A companion piece to the comic "Red the Paladin Against the Queen of the Star-Monsters" (inspired by the movie Hercules Against the Moon Men).
If this comic was a movie, this might be what its poster would look like. And since the comic was inspired by the movie, this is inspired by its poster. I'm especially pleased with the caption boxes ("Thrill..." etc.) and the alternate view of Red in the spike trap. The name "Aleesha Armstrong" was made up; I was tempted to use "Aleesha Young" (the name of an actual bodybuilder), but then I figured I'd then have to change Red's face so that it was a better likeness. I did base Keiko on Japanese adult-video star Hitomi Tanaka, so I used her name in the credits.
Artwork © David C. Matthews
Red the Paladin created by and © Pumpmonger